B1O: Art Review of the subject matter of Patricia Lynch 2010

There is something of the Byzantine and the early stages of the Enlightenment in the Renaissance. You are certainly using the techniques of Egg Tempera, a very medieval trait, that Duccio used to great effect in Assisi. Following the likes of Mantegna etc... and perspective was born. Artists such as Velasquez continued to evoke the theme of a room within a room, giving the chance of a intricate story unfolding with in the depth of the painting. This inadvertedly translated to a medium within a medium, and finally all material was placed on top of each in Foundation Courses around the country. Thankfully the mistakes of the amateur, are leading many to other forms of media, the computer etc.

What I consider to be unique in the evocation of your work is the original use of material from an age of Enlightenment; Egg Tempera, and such a retro invitation to work the way that the Florentines did in particular. Living through an age of mehodology and practice where Craft was considered Art. You have with hindsight introduced issues which we can only contemplate. The mesmorising nature of icons, the devotional and complete nature of your work has echoes. Conjuring up old ghosts of Art, is self-evident and wishful in the successful resonance of your work. Your work encourages the idea of abstraction and devotion which only Rothko etc... gain the credit for now.

I visited the 'Chris Ofili' exhibition in the Tate Britain recently, this same sense of colourscape of Hockney(?!) is a background to the 'rain' or dots, pointed pointillism. The relevance being that medium, and transcendence of material to broker a new medium. This, I hope, is what you were intending but in a different form.

The structures of church, the Roman arch feeding a sculptural window into the ground around. We are veering towards looking up at the ceiling, with gold/silver, the viable product of wealth , surprising pillars to torquoise and red which indicate the wealth of the patron(!?) and the worth to those who could not comprehend the worth of Art.

The nature or source of your work is as inspiring as the work itself.

B1O: Art Review of the subject matter of Patricia Lynch 2010Scale
Artist: Patricia LynchTA:001680 £0.00
The making is the method of times past.

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