C: Target-art Poster Advert for the Christmas Art Fair: Dec 2009 - Jan 2010

C: Target-art Poster Advert for the Christmas Art Fair: Dec 2009 - Jan 2010

The typical Christmas Shopper has not the time or energy to face the cold weather and be in a receptive mood to read too much information in passing. Only those who have good reason to read, do. Here, many of the recipients are from the Art World; Artists, Designers, fashion makers, Graphic Design, student, poets (including the 'Two Rivers Press' based in Reading), and erstwhile supporters of art for the home and beyond.

The dash of flake ironically reflected the endless snow, sleet and rain which deluged during the Reading Christmas Art Fair 2009. It did mean of course that repeat viewing was less likely. But our abundant spirit and helpfulness nurtured interest in all the Art Works bringing different stimulus to the Street.

Designer: M. Kernohan
High Quality Gloss Finish Poster Board
Size A3

C: Target-art Poster Advert for the Christmas Art Fair: Dec 2009 - Jan 2010Scale
Poster for Christmas Art FairTa001647 £0.00
Designed by Mark Kernohan, our Graphic and Web Designer, it heralds the entrance to the Exhibition at the door and in the Conference Hall itself. Well Designed and Colour co-ordinated shows Design is superbly executed, showing echoes of the A6 Leaflet.

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