D: Exhibition At The Bull Hotel.15/06/09-15/08/09. Ended

D: Exhibition At The Bull Hotel.15/06/09-15/08/09. Ended

J. Cannon's choice of wire sculptures show a maturity of work which lend to increased understanding of her medium. The wire sculpture is a bonding of relationships which we all need. The divergent meaning behind the sculpture is interpreted dually according to the viewers attitude to life and death and their spirituality. Clear influences of Giacamettis work pervade the tall stature of her sculpture and the hard work and thought put into the sculptures.

one cannot help sense that the bonding of wire indicates an attire, the wind sweeping the hair; a pose of a delitante.

D: Exhibition At The Bull Hotel.15/06/09-15/08/09. EndedScale
J. Cannon TA00821 £0.00

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