Examples of oil and acrylic paintings on various formats such as canvas and hardboard.


1. Young Kiss £50.00

Artist: E. Waller 2015 1.  Young Kiss

1. Bottle Design Icon £50.00

Artist: E. Waller 2016 1. Bottle Design Icon

1. Harp £50.00

Artist: E. Waller 2017 1. Harp

1. Mountain £50.00

Artist: E. Waller 2015 1. Mountain

1. Stage Carriage £50.00

Artist: E. Waller 2016 1. Stage Carriage

1. Tribesman £50.00

Artist: E. Waller 2016 1. Tribesman

10th January 1989 £65.00

Artist: J. Percy 10th January 1989

17th August 1988 £65.00

Artist: J. Percy 17th August 1988

1988 Green Guns £110.00

Artist: J. Percy 1988 Green Guns

1989 February 10th £110.00

Artist: J. Percy 1989 February 10th

1989 February 21st £110.00

Artist: J. Percy 1989 February 21st

1989 February 25th £110.00

Artist: J. Percy 1989 February 25th