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Please stop and have a read to reckon on a visit to London Art Shows.

You must come and visit and add your views. A bridge of understanding to an Exhibition makes and gives a thousand thanks. Please send your reviews from your own Exhibitions, Target-Art Artists! We would be delighted to see the progress made.

A: The Main Exhibitions in London and The South (note only the barest of lines are added as additions from literature provided).
B1A-B1R: Artists of repute that help us understand more of the world around us. They are only a sample of the top grade artists Noted. Please look on google for Web Sites of the Artists mentioned.
The Mix of Designer and Artist is evident; such as the Graphic or Instrumental Designer.
Ceramicist is more a Sculptor, shaper of material in a functional form. Most have the eye on the shape and finish that makes their work superb.
C-C1T: The Students at the Oxford Brookes Fine Art Show, 2010
Written By E. Waller


A: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Ongoing: Free Admission £0.00

Information by E. Waller and Literature A: Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Ongoing: Free Admission

A: Modern Moral Matters In The Serpentine Gallery. 3 March - 25 April 2010 £0.00

Artist: Richard Hamilton: Art Critic: E. Waller A: Modern Moral Matters In The Serpentine Gallery. 3 March - 25 April 2010

Appledore Quay £225.00

Artist: J. Perkin Appledore Quay

B1A: Art Review of Alison Musker 2010 £0.00

Critic: E. Waller B1A: Art Review of Alison Musker 2010

B1B: Art Review of Anuk Nauman 2010 £0.00

Critic: E. Waller

B1C: Art Review of Clive Williams 2010 £0.00

Critic E. Waller B1C: Art Review of Clive Williams 2010

B1D: Art Review of Edith Holt 2010 £0.00

Critic: E. Waller B1D: Art Review of Edith Holt 2010

B1E: Art Review of Hazel Strange 2010 £0.00

Critic: E. Waller B1E: Art Review of Hazel Strange 2010

B1G: Art Review Of Heidi Fletcher 2010 £0.00

Critic E. Waller