I am a Landscape Artist specialising in traditional
Fine-Art intaglio Printmaking. Most of my works are
aquatint etchings from copper plates or collagraphs
printed from constructed, highly textural collaged
All of the work is conceived as
print, realised
onto the plates by the Artist and hand-printed by
the Artist. Because plates wear, because a lot of
what I do is experimental the edition sizes are very
small; 20 or less for collagraphs to 50 maximum for
some etchings.
This is Original Print;
reproduction, not digital, not giclee.
My imagery is drawn, literally, from
direct study of
landscape, the urban environment, the long life of
humanity in our world. Then, in the studio I
restate, redraw, refine, and try to abstract the
essential, the timeless from the scene.
These images are then etched and
engraved onto
plates or built into a collage (or sometimes both)
but then the work is still half-finished. Printing the
plates on the double roller etching press is itself a
very creative, experimental, painterly process. Inks
and colour combinations may change; wiping can
be heavy or light, ghostly un-inked plates or part
plates may be employed. Plates may be re-etched
or re-cut and assembled afresh.
Memberships: Devon Guild of Craftsmen, Norwich
20 Group, Norwich Printfair.
Exhibitions: Art in Action, Eastern Open, Mall
Galleries, Printfest, R.A. Summer Exhib., Royal West
of England Acad.,