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Stained glass windows is a craft of magnificence. Its use of lead to frame the stained glass peices lead it to certain commissions principly in the churches and doorways of houses


Blue green panels with fused metal fish £260.00

Artist: F. McCaskill  Blue green panels with fused metal fish

1. Stained Glass £10.00

Artist: E. Waller 2017 1.  Stained Glass

Bashira and Almitra £1660.00

Artist: D. Williams Bashira and Almitra

Celestial Fire £3300.00

Artist J. Lethbridge Celestial Fire

Cherries £87.00

Artist: P. Dove Cherries

Coalescence 11 £800.00

Artist: J. Lethbridge Coalescence 11

Coat On A Peg £50.00

Artist: Waller E. 2018 Coat On A Peg

Firebird £447.00

Artist: P. Dove Firebird

Fish £47.00

Artist: P. Dove Fish

Glass Stickers £10.00

Artist: E. Waller 2017 Glass Stickers

Grid £10.00

Artist: E. Waller 2017 Grid

Leaves £67.00

Artist: P. Dove Leaves