As a contemporary artistic medium, wood is used in traditional and modern styles, and is an excellent medium for new art. Wood is used in forms of sculpture, craft, and decoration. Wood offers a fascination, beauty, and complexity in the grain, that often shows even when the medium is painted.


Frame 2 £10.00

Artist: Waller E. 2020 Frame 2

Planks 1 £10.00

Artist: E. Waller 2015 Planks 1

Scroll £10.00

Artist: E. Waller 2017 Scroll

Stoop £10.00

Artist: Waller E. 2020 Stoop

table painted £375.00

Artist: G. Blakey table painted

Timber £10.00

Artist: Waller E. 2020 Timber

Totum Pole 1 £10.00

Artist: E. Waller 2017 Totum Pole 1

Totum Pole 2 £10.00

Artist: E. Waller 2017 Totum Pole 2