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The mouding or taking of form in a physical shape of the three dimensional manner. Whatever medium is used the nature of the sculpture is revealed.


Bubble Blue £475.00

Artist: D. Williams Bubble Blue

Celestial Fire £3300.00

Artist J. Lethbridge Celestial Fire

Chrysalis £255.00

Artist: D. Williams Chrysalis

Coalescence 11 £800.00

Artist: J. Lethbridge Coalescence 11

East to within 2 £242.00

Artist: J. Cannon East to within 2

Give us a Hug 3 £138.00

Artist: J. Cannon Give us a Hug 3

Haflingers £595.00

Aritst: T. Lund-Lack Haflingers

Mermaid's Purse £2800.00

Artist J. Lethbridge Mermaid's Purse

Metamorphic Sand Stone with quartz lines £160.00

Artist: D. Ralston Metamorphic Sand Stone with quartz lines

Metamorphic Stone £55.00

Artist: D. Ralston Metamorphic Stone

Point of Balance £567.00

Artist: D. Williams Point of Balance